Despite its diminutive size, the variety of tones possible from these pint-sized amplifiers is just incredible and range from ‘glassy’ clean tones through to real ‘Keef’ style riffage. The additional vibro circuit in these amps really has to be heard to be believed and adds a wonderful depth and presence to chords and single-lines alike. No need for extra pedals here.The ‘Blackface’ era Vibro-Champs (made between 1964 and 1967) are especially noted for their ‘sparkle’ in clean tones but also with the capability to get pretty raunchy when pushed in terms of volume. As a recording amp, they excel in producing great classic guitar tones and work equally well when miked in a live setting. Vintage tone just doesn’t get much better than this.
The ‘Silverface’ period (between 1967 – 81) saw little or no modification in terms of circuit design until the 1970’s and the same great tones evident in the ‘Blackface’ period can be found in 1960’s ‘Silverface’ amps such as the one pictured here.
So, whatever your tone requirements, if you are looking for great vintage tone in a small (and highly portable) format you just can’t go wrong with a Vibro Champ (or three!)
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