Guild CE 100D

Guild CE 100D

This 60’s Guild CE 100D Capri is a wonderfully versatile twin pickup guitar with great playability and outstanding workmanship.

Featuring a gloriously rich sunburst finish, this guitar is suitable for Jazz, Blues, Rock or Roots music and just oozes vintage vibe and tone.

The added good news is that it comes with the original Guild hard case.

Price: £1,299.00
S/N: R444


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    I first hesitated to buy it, because your description was so very lyrical that I did not trust it (it sounded too good). But indeed, it's all true: it's a fine & fabulous guitar. A joy to look at and to play.

    Guido, Belgium

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    Just got a hold of the guitar. Feels and sounds great, everything that you can expect from a vintage Gibson :)

    Miguel A., Portugal

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