Gibson Trini Lopez 1965 – hear it in action
10.24.2013The Gibson Trini Lopez – Aesthetics are one thing with vintage guitars, but as any serious guitar player will tell you, playability and great tone are most often the biggest issues for truly discerning guitarists.
Bearing this in mind, we are now going to be featuring many more video demonstrations on the JGG site, where you can hear (and see) the guitars in a real musical context as you’ll see below. This is the best way for you to hear and see the guitar in its natural environment and we are delighted to now be able to offer this new service for you.
Here in this video, we have a beautiful 1965 Gibson Trini Lopez (fitted with a terrific Bigsby arm) being put through it’s musical paces and you can hear and see what this guitar could offer you. It’s a real delight to play and offers up some truly great tones as well as we hope you’ll hear from the video clip.
The Gibson Trini Lopez is very much from the ES-335 family of guitars and would suit both jazz mainstream players and those who like their guitar tones more on the rocky overdriven side. The choice is yours.
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