65 Supro Pocket Bass

65 Supro Pocket Bass

Way cool black ‘n’ white vintage bass guitar

Price: £799.00
S/N: R157


Supro, Valcro, National, Airline pocket bass features

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  • What people are saying

    Just got the ES and Epi safe. Fine shipping/packing. Great guitars! Played both of them at a rehearsal today. Dont know which I prefer, thats the problem, but I must say, the Epi is something, but, as you mentioned, the ES is special. Thanks for the deal! - Bjarne


    Gibson ES-125 & Epiphone Century

    It was a pleasure to find a business run by playing and knowledgeable musicians with an eye for quality, beauty and character in the instruments they trade, and I am one very satisfied customer.

    Mike, Leeds, UK

    Gibson ES-175

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